Monday, November 16, 2009

The way to Take Care Of Siamese fighting fish/Betta Fish - live pet fish

Many people around the earth have Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, in their own fish tanks at home. These fish are very beloved due to their beautiful appearance and attractive moves and the best thing is that even those that never have taken care of fish previous to or have not time to look after them can give to have them.

There are several tips and tricks that you must know in order to offer your Betta fish the proper care. Plus, in time you get to know your fish and simply by watching you will know if something happens with their circumstance of health.

- Betta fish usually require some exceptionally interval. Because they are very vivid and lively, they demand a bowl that is big enough that allows them to swim happily, without hurting themselves. Also, a famous bowl is needful for a large outside in touch with air, so fish can take their oxygen.

- Fresh water is very much to Betta's liking. You do not necessarily demand involved filtration devices, but you can take care of the water in the bowl by changeful one third of it every three days. The water used for changing must be aged water, sense water that has set out for one day.

- Keep in mind that your Betta fish is a fighting fish, which means that is dangerous to place them more than one in a bowl. Choose other species, like algae eaters, guppies or corydorus catfish as neighbors, otherwise, the Betta fish will collide to the dying until there is only one standing.

- Keep the bowl wash by removing any pieces of debris that tend to sit on the base of the recipient, otherwise, the water will become smelly and unhealthy for your fish.

- You need to put chemical moderate water in the bowl. Buy a tools for identifying the pH of your water and solutions for keeping the water at a pH value of 7.0.

- If your fish bowl has each kinds of decorations in it, you will indigence to clean up them thoroughly from time to time. Never use soap, just fervent water and an abrasive brush to get rid of the debris, otherwise, your Betta can sustain from the soap that remains on the objects and even die.

- An important upset in taking care of the Betta fish is to put a cover on the bowl or let the water level to be at least two inches lower than the top of the bowl. Betta fish like a lot to jump above the water and they might end on the floor.

- Bring your Betta its favorite food. These fish like especially live foods, but you can buy from the pet store, freezing bloodworms and Betta pellets.

- When you choose decorations for your fish tank, avoid rocks or marbles that can get the fish stuck. Go for horizontal flat surfaces that let it outer space to lingerie through.

- Betta fish are like any other pets. They need food, cleanliness and attention. If you sign that the fish is sick, go to the vet with it for proper treatment.

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